About me…

Hello! I’m Hermione and I am from the UK. I have an ever growing love for the outdoors, spending most of my downtime exploring and taking in the beauty of the world around me. I live for adventure, and whether it’s a chilly sea swim, a hike up a mountain or sailing across the oceans, I am constantly searching for something exciting. As the world becomes increasingly virtual, I think it is more important now, than ever, that we learn to appreciate the natural world.

There are an infinite number of places I want to go and the list gets longer every day. I’m an explorer at heart with a huge sense of wanderlust and I hope I can inspire others to embark on their own adventures.

Candid Landscape was born through a desire to keep track of my travels and things I have been fortunate enough to experience. So, this website and blog include my writing and photography, through which I share stories of my travels (both big and small), tips, tricks and reviews.

My passions include hiking, open water swimming and sailing. I’m quite a “water baby” so feel most at home at the coast or out in the open ocean.

So, take a look around and see what sparks your interest. I hope you feel inspired to step outside and start an adventure of your own (even if it’s just to the foot of your garden!)